Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Why the hell is TTS being so slow?

Argh, I don't know why, but I'm not very happy right now...

Edit: I'm nomming a Fruit Roll-Up. :D
I dunno. TTS seems to have more problems than any other Ning site I've ever been on, though.

No surprise there...
Well, it's the biggest Ning site there is, also...

What isn't a surprise?
That it's slow
I'm leaving.
Not now, on Wendsday.

For the first time since I was 10-ish, I'm giving up something for Lent. . . . and even then I more or less cheated like mad. XD This is prolly one of the things I spend the most time with, that isn't completely essential to my vital being. I'm beyond addicted to Ning, and I'd like to change that as well. Plus, I want a challenge this year, and pretty much everything else I could give up I gave up during basketball season, or it wouldn't make too much of a difference.

When I say 'leave', I will not physically be pressing the 'Leave This Site' button. My account will still exist. I will, however, turn notifications off. I'll prolly end up lurking, but I won't (or shouldn't be) posting. Unless something drastic, happens, anyway. I will be answering PMs, though, so it's not like you guys can't contact me. While I considered just trying to leave the internets, I don't see that at all likely, nor leaving all Ning sites, as the sites I mod. . . I fear what they'd be come April without me there. I will still be on FB, email, FF, FictionPress, etc.

Just letting you guys know, so if I don't have your email, etc, and you'd like to stay in touch, you have a chance to exchange info. If needed I'll post something right before I go so you know I'm gone.
*wishes she had the will power to do that*

I gave up Internet games for Lent once (not Christian-just thought it was an excuse). I've never seen the point of playing them since.
So you'll be back after Lent?
Prolly. Honestly, I'm not sure I'll make it through Easter, but that's the plan.

No worries, I'll still find a way to stalk you. :D
I wish you luck, then. ^-^

Oh boy! :D

Thank you. XD
Feeling stupid here...

But what exactly is Lent?
Most basically, Lent is the 40 days before Easter. Some Christians, mostly Catholics, try to give up something they love during this time. While I'm not Catholic, I like trying to do something like this.

Most traditionally, you just light a candle during each week of lent, each representing something which I can't think of right now.


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