I used to do that, or TV/Computer. That was back before I had a life invested in the internet, back in '05. *tried to give up all technology for entertainment uses* *didn't too too bad*
You told me about this before, and the "I'm leaving" still scared me and I skipped to the end to make sure you weren't falling off the face of the Earth. Yes, I'm a loser. Somehow you all still like me.
I'm only replying to this because I can't help but reply to pretty much everything you ever post, don't ask me why but it's just a habit I've been in for a long time. I've said everything in chat already. I would say I'd miss you, but I'll still be (hopefully, unless you decide to abandon me leave everything) talking to you pretty much all the time, which'd make it hard to "miss" you. But yeah. Good luck with staying away from here, don't leave the internets entirely.
XD *has that habit more or less when You/Pyro post* had it even on MX when we'd hit several hundred posts a day. :D
XD You'll prolly still miss talking to me in a Ning setting, or at least that's what I kind of miss about some of the members, here, that I only talk to on chats, anymore. It's odd, I know.
I won't abandon you, however, I might not be online as much. During this time, I'd also love to get some other aspects of my life back under control. If I do end up leaving too much for your liking, just call me.
...You are the third person to say "we love you, loser" to me today. Congratulations. XD
And I love all of you too. For the umpteenth time.
XD We'd go on for pages
*nods* That I will. And I'll miss being able to rant on here and have everyone including you reply, but I usually give even more irrational and detailed answers on chat anyways.
You cannot leave forever. Other than that, I'll miss you but any absence will be forgiven, as long as you don't leave forever. Forever is a LONG TIME. And if you're gone for a stretch of time and I don't know why, I'll definitely call you. XD
XD Wasn't it though? I love how I'm the only one who rambled on for a paragraph, I feel so ridiculous...
I'll just reply on chat. XD
Long time = what? To me a day is ages. So. . . .just, call if you miss meh. Just not when I'm sleeping, I'll be mad at you for waking me up.
XD You're my bestie, you're allowed to go on for paragraphs.
XD Yes. Everybody's been calling me "loser" (lovingly or at least nicely, though) all day. *has a friend who addresses me by "loser" all the time anymore*
A day is ages... I'm not sure what a long time is. Whenever I feel like I miss you enough that I really really need to call you. Which'll be, like, a day, but I'll prolly just wait around wondering where you are for awhile until I finally break and call you. XD
I won't, I won't...
Guess what? Coach CANCELLED off season. I went to practice today and only four girls showed up. We're only going this week, nao, then we get more than a two day break. *glad* The boys weren't even going to start until May. . . . we only had a two day break. . . . and they really wondered why no one came. . ..
Regardless, now I'll be online more-ish, and you won't have to tell me to stop killing myself. XD