Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Really? Maybe we should all just great an account with the s/n as Nathan_(insert random letter). xD

That would be funny.

That's immature! Freak-tards...
Yeah. I'll be Nathan_f

(f stands for fudge you xD)
They absolutely despise me, as near as I can tell XD Probably because I raised eight kinds of hell and was terrible for marketing. To which, because I need to get the immature out of my system for a moment: I would like to thank the mods kindly for exacerbating major depression in a (at the time) very scared fifteen-year-old girl.

Sure they're being immature... but what am I gonna do? (Well. Other than someday, when I'm rich and successful, send them a kind note saying only "Fuck you -- I'm still better than you, bitch". Solely to be immature.)
Yus. That's true.

I had to let it spew out one time though. I was so very pissed off with the TTS mods I sent them a hate letter. >.> <./body>
I sent Hachette weird Pikachu pictures.

I'm tempted to send them to the mods too...
Pikachu pictures?
Weird pikachu pictures? xD

Oh wow..
Am I invited to this party?

I didn't mind because well, I was too happy that they didn't know I was an alter.

But it still sucked major ass.
*still mad*.
They just hate us. For no good reason, really.


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