Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It's woman's intuition plus the fact that she's lived with you for more than ten years, and also observed you psychological and personality formations. Not mind reading, but almost as good.

What do you think she thinks of it?
Personally I hold that "woman's intuition" is a total crock -- if anything it's just that women are socialized to be a little more open to seeing emotion in other people, and analyzing what it means.
*is a guy*

You're probably right, but from a guy's perspective, it's like magic.
*has limited woman's intuition, if any*

To me it's kind of like magic. But then again I generally have trouble understanding people, so it's no surprise.
Looking over some homework that my English teacher emailed the whole class. I feel like coming into class whenever the hell we have school again and telling her I didn't have power, therefore I couldn't do it. *sigh*.
Grinning maniacally.

Well, not really. I just wanted to say that. ^-^
It's such a fun word. Maniacally. XD
Haha. I love squiggle. It's fun to say. :P
*totally just said that aloud to check* XD

Verdaderamente, 'tis. ^-^
xD Hahaha! :D

'Tis the Spanish word for indeed. It is also my second favorite Spanish word. :D


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