Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah, not on here.

I'm actually a girl. ^-^

So am I. But I'm pretty sure nobody here's questioning that. I'd be disappointed if a lot of you were.
What?! You're a girl?! No wai. O.O

I tried to stay off the computer all night.

I failed.
Lost my phone. >./body>
That sucks. :\

If I lost my phone, I wouldn't give a damn. XD

I didn't, it's just become irritating after it being gone for a month.
That might be annoying. *nods*

See, I don't have texting. Which removes all desire that I ever expressed for one in the first place. >.<'

I have texting, and everyone's like "Oh I'll text you, 'kay?" And I'm like "...No."
Why don't you buy a new one? I'd be extremely frustrated if I were you.
I just... haven't really searched for it. *ultimate procrastinator*.


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