Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*hates glue in general*.
Definitely, yet somehow I still manage to get my hands stuck together...
Not funny.

I tend to use tape when I can, but sometimes using glue is unavoidable. And I hate it when that happens, because it involves sticky objects, work, and me. Those things do not tangle well.
I know you still think it's funny.

Stupid glue. What were you working on, anyway, that required you to be messily gluing things at 3AM?
Whatever. XD

"I could've been done at 1am..."

Do you realize what's wrong with that sentence?


No, you probably would've gotten distracted by something else.

*releases from Pokeball*. *pokes back.*. I specialize in hypocrisy, you know.
*trapped in Pokeball.* I also specialize in procrastination and laziness. I have many talents.
M'kay. *waves*. Bye, Sin dormir!

*waits to be released impatiently*.
We never get snow. The counties just north of us have so many snow days they have to come to school this Saturday. Now, we're supposed to get snow. Finally. On a Friday night. Urgh. x.x
Only in my house do I take an hour to take out the trash.

Good god. Where do we get all this shit? I vaguely remembering taking half an hour last time taking out the trash. >.>

I had to use a dollie for almost all of it because it was so heavy...

OH yeah... I need to rewrite that story because the intro was lame.
I gotta do my Spanish project. D:
*Should also be doing Spanish project, but doesn't think she will*. *Lazy*. *procrastinator*.



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