Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I got to like fifty legit! :D
I got to 49 (or something) legit. Then I cheated.
I've never looked at the cheats before.

Just done them over and over and over...

Granted I did do it on a touch screen laptop... Does that count as cheating?
No, i don't think so.
Oh, I loved that. I think I've gotten to 70-ish or 80 something maybe.... I can't remember. But I didn't use cheats.
-Is in awe of Flying-

Me and my friend only got as high as fifty. XD

Twas a competition.

Also, OMG Flying! Hai!
I could be wrong, it was like some time last year... But I definitely got past 67. Or got stuck on 67.... But I think I past it.

A few of my other friends were doing it too, so I may have uh... picked up a couple of clues from them. But no cheats, still.

Xuut! Hello.
XD Me and my friend were giving each other random tips. She gave up after a little while but when I start something I get obsessed. Especially if it says in big bold letters, "IMPOSSIBLE!" and it's not stupid. Like the Facebook one. >.>

We can only talk on weekends. :\ Unless I start waking up at five in the morning. Which actually doesn't sound THAT bad...
Um... Yeah I gave up after a while. And then it just sort of... died. I initially thought that completing the impossible quiz was something I'd have to do, but... I got bored. And there's no fun in using cheats, so...

I know v.v And I have to go now, too. But I'll talk to you later...
I officially love this font. :D
How do you change fonts on Ning?
<*font face=FONT> TEXT <*/font>


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