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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I've been learning since second grade.

I still fail. >.>
I haven't been learning at all. I now know what "chant" means in French, and I am learning by listening.

Oh, and a translator.

BTW, how do I pronounce chant?

I know basic words, the difference of masculine and feminine, but have trouble with grammar and words with various ways to be used, like we, or are. We' starting a grammar unit in French so I'm hoping. XD

I can understand it while listening or reading, but I can't speak it or write it very well myself.

I never ever use a translator. Always, always, a dictionary.

Edit: Yes, I think so. My French pronunciation is a little iffy.
See, I don't see why they have to have masculine and feminine words. I don't know the various ways to use things like we or are.

Edit* Thank you! Do you know what "sing" is?
Nor do I really. Terribly confusing. :\ Grammar in English is bad enough.

Chant? I believe it's the same thing.
Your English is actually really good.

Oh, okay.
Which one do I use????

chanter, chantent, chantons, zinzinuler, chantez

all mean "sing"!
It depends. All the ones starting with "c" are different forms of the same word.

*sighs* Want me to conjugate it for you?
Yeah, I pay attention to it a lot. -Ish Grammar Nazi-

I just hate all the exceptions, after fourteen years or so of enduring it, it's drilled into your head but gah, I have trouble with abuse of commas.
@ Fishy - If conjugate means explain, then yes!

@ Xuut - Yes. You do over-use the comma a little bit.

Okay, what tense, and what person (I, you, he, they...)?

Unless you want me to overload you with five tenses, and command form, for all six persons, technically I could do that....

Past tense.
"I sung."
Errg. You can do Passé Composé or Imparfait.

Imparfait would be... closer to "I was singing," but.... Imparfait is fucking complicated to understand the usage.

So, P.C. - J'ai chanté. (accent is mandatory, otherwise it's wrong)

Imparfait - Je chantais.


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