All the caffeine I've had over the course of the day, which was... a lot because it WASN'TWORKING has kinda hit. At 11.00 o'clock at night. So now I'm all *spaz* *awake* and my brains still all *dead* But I can actually keep my eyes open now... which would have been more useful at any moment before now...
Everybody was all "We're pulling an all-nighter!" and I was all *shrug*. And then it was 2AM and they were all *dead*, but I was still awake. Like, really, REALLY, awake. And so I went to bed at around 5:30. Then everybody woke me up at 8. Now I'm dead, 'cause I haven't gone with only three hours of sleep in a while now.
I hate snow. Just 'cause it screws up my already screwy to other people sleeping patterns.
All-nighter for them=2AM!!!! LATEST I'VE BEEN UP IN AGES.
All-nighter for me= As long as I can go with a can of Pepsi max and a book. Usually around 10AM.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on February 14, 2010 at 2:05am
XD My sleepovers go pretty bad too. God, why can't teenage girls stay up properly?
My sleepovers:
Everyone else: All nighter! Yeah!
Me and my nocturnal friend: YEAH!
1 AM....: Everyone but us are dead. >.>
5 AM: Me and nocturnal friend: Tired. Sleep. Yes. Sleep. :D
9 AM: Everyone else: Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
I always go home to sleep some more afterwards. Tis not fun...