Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*sneezes from having dust blown in face*
Being mad that Night isn't on, still.
Lurking on TTS.
Listening to James Morrison.
Going to check whether or not my pajama pants are dry after the wash.
What is up? Have you heard about Ranting and Neo?
Mhm. D'you know when the wedding is? Or where?
They just got engaged! I saw!!!! But no, I don't know anything except I'm not invited.
Aww. I dunno if I'm invited...
Returning from seeing The Lightning Thief. If you like the book, don't see it. Just don't. On it's own it is good. Compared to the book...don't do it.
No, if you read the series, keep an open mind and don't compare it to the book, it's good.

On another note: Hai!
They changed the plot though. I mean, it was good if you don't compare, but...*can't not compare*
Oh, interesting. I wasn't planning on seeing it anyway.

The trailers alone made me want to do a literal headdesk.


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