Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I didn't see it, but it seemed like that to me from the trailers.

He's supposed to be confused. And twelve.
I know. He is definitely not twelve.
Glaringly obviously so.

He was supposed to be 17 for the movie. . . .

Where'd you hear that?
. . . . I've been in the PJO fandom for 4+years, I used to follow the blog religiously. . . .if it's PJO/RR related, I know about it. I believe it was first posted on RR's blog last year sometime. July-ish perhaps. . .
I don't remember when I started reading the books. Before the fourth one came out, I know that...

Oh. Why d'you think he'd do that?
I stumbled upon them three months after the first came out., turns out, and bothered with the fandom when the second came out. XD

Why do you think?
For Percabeth, no doubt, to attract an older/wider audience.
They're definitely fandom worthy.
. . . you haven't seen the fandom. . .

I've left it big time twice. Last time I left it in . . . well early '08-ish came back late '09. The thing just. . .fell. It's completely dead. Very few members on any site, there's only two sites, really the one is completely off topic, and the members practically kill new comers (they don't like me for leaving so much, either. XD) the other . . .they're Nazi-like about staying on topic, but it's pretty much impossible to get banned, it's full of fans too, and only fans. . .

I can't not go see it. I'll die if that happens. >.>

I wanna go sooo badly.
I read it...was it 5 years ago, now? I saw the trailer when I went to see The Lovely Bones. It seems...different to the book somehow, from what little I remember of it.


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