Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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...You aren't fifteen yet? Oh yeah.

I feel middle-aged.
XD My birthday's in late July. I've got awhile left. *feels young*
There are a few older members, but I think it balances out about even between under-fifteen and over-fifteen.
The "Anti" thread on TTS is more active than this one. >.>
"Working" on my English homework.
Listening to music.
My English teacher sent the whole class all of the work we would've done in class, so it's really more than homework, and I've been putting it off since... a long time.

And how can your write paragraphs about Greek pottery? I tend to... doodle and laugh at the kids who don't know where the Panama Canal is during Social Studies.

Kid: "Is it in Argentina?"
Teacher: "No."
Kid: "Mexico?"
Teacher: *headdesk*.

What a lovely class that is.
*drowns in mountain of homework*.

I see. More than the teacher and the class combined? That sounds similar to my English class. I've already read most of the books that we're reading, so it's a pretty boring class, but yeah, 'tis an easy A.

Oh, it is. But it's not as awful as it seems, 'cause I sit in the back and my teacher doesn't notice that I'm completely zoned out; he's too busy with helping the class find the Panama Canal.
*tries to crawl out of mountain of homework* *fails*.

My school teaches the most very basic things it can to get us through the MSAs; the Maryland State Assessments, although tons of kids still fail. It pisses me off, especially since my Social Studies class is "advanced".

My school is practically Morons 'R' Us.
*flails around madly*. *gives up*.

NECAPS? *giggles*. Funny name. We have MSA practice sessions - or something - on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and it's all random shit that they're trying to cram into our brains, which I already know, such as fractions. It's pathetic, really. The rest of the year in spent by... not really doing anything.

Especially when calling "HEY MORON!" down the hall. Tons of kids turn around.
*dies*. *becomes zombeh*.

I knew some of it since 2nd grade, and I have to restrain myself from headdesking when somebody gets an answer wrong. It's quite sad.
Fucking drama.


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