Zoning out.
Wishing it was spring.
Missing the soccer season.
Being tired.
Knowing I should do homework.
Procrastinating anyway.
Wondering how many things I've typed so far.
Being too lazy to count.
Hating my Spanish teacher.
Wanting caffeine.
Deciding I'm an caffeine addict.
Being okay with it.
Wondering if anyone is going to read this.
Deciding that if they are, they should be congratulated.
Thinking of ways to congratulate them.
Coming up blank.
Listening to music.
Checking my laptop battery.
Rubbing my eye.
Half reading a book.
Half not.
Scratching my ear.
Loving Pandora.
Realizing that multitasking should be an Olympic sport.
Deciding that I would compete.
Being bored.
Slowly dying.
Tapping my foot.
Wondering who has the most tasks.
Thinking about checking.
Deciding no to.
Smirking at basketball practice.
Thinking that I am the Queen of Multitasking.
Not really sure.
Scratching forehead.
Decides to do homework.
Taking out math book.
Kind of on FB.
Being mad at the little red line under 'FB'.
Deciding that it's out for revenge.
Smiling at my friend from earlier today.
Losing the game.