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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My friend recently became obsessed with it. She sends me texts at random times like "I just lost the game. Did you too?"

EDIT: I just lost the game. Again.
I haven't forgotten about it yet so I can't loose until I do.

I just informed my friends about it. I was so surprised they didn't know. They just seemed like the type of people who would know what it was.

Now they bug me about it all the time.
Re. the game:

Fun thing to do at a con -- when fuckwits holler "I lost the game!" yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP" right back ._.

Well. Not so much fun as "what we wound up doing"...
My friend kept on asking questions like 'Wait, what're the rules again?'

It annoyed the hell out of me for about five days, then she started constantly announcing that she lost.
Um...I'm actually pretty happy! Happier than I normally am anyway. I didn't fail in Band today, I spent lunch catching grapes in my mouth, reading Winnie the Pooh stories to my friends, and having a contest with this random guy about who could jump up the most stairs which I was winning before some teachers saw us. Plus yesterday I ate ramen for every meal, found a treehouse, and saw the Coraline movie which is epic.

In other news...English portfolio ideas are due tomorrow. It's this mega-huge project where we read 400 pages of fiction about a topic, do a heck of a lot of research on it, and then give a 20-30 minute lesson to the class. What should I do mine on? The topic has to be broad, have fiction written about it, and not be something I already know (not genetic engineering or quantum physics).

Any suggestions?
The Black Death is all that comes to mind -- you could/should read Doomsday Book by Connie Willis. Fascinating subject, and the book is damned good.
We're not allowed to do diseases, though ) :

If you like reading them...I definitely recommend The Hot Zone. Can't remember who it's by...but it was amazing. Really graphic, though-a kid barfed from the descriptions when our teacher read it allowed in class.
*has already read it* I think I'll check it out again tomorrow.

In which case huh. Balls. You could still read that one on the criteria of the Middle Ages >.>
? Criteria of the Middle Ages.

I know...we're not allowed to do any "uncomfortable" topics. Jeez-we're in middle school, I think we can handle that kind of thing.

Anyway, what I'm planning to do is "getting over obstacles"-specifically climbing mountains and trees and parkour. I'm going to do a stunt video of sorts.

I'd love to do a more intellectual topic, though-but I mean, you also have to consider the kind of thing that would keep 8th graders entertained.
Oh. You could give the excuse that it is about the Middle Ages and do your project on living in those times. >.> I fail English.

I usually go "to hell with entertainment value, I'll just make my presentation short". No one's listening when I talk anyway...
Oh, okay. I like English class, actually-it's a bit too simple-minded, but at least we're learning things I feel are important (and my teacher doesn't get mad if I include quotes from Dumbledore in essays-he says they're "outside sources")

I may not fit in with kids my age, but most of them respect that although I'm nerdy I can be funny. And in Advanced English class, they normally get the jokes. So I try to do something that will keep others entertained as well.
I want to read the Coraline book. Mostly because I thought the idea was interesting, and I saw the movie, but also because it's written by Gaiman. :D

Edit: No, sorry. No suggestions. :\


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