Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Going to bed. Or at least hoping I will.

Tomorrow we have a Beep test, which involves a lot of running around and that doesn't work too well when you're tired.

Nighty night all.
G'night, Xuut.
...Apparently, Splenda (The artificial sugar) is made primarily with Chlorine.

Many Chlorine based substances give you cancer when you eat them in the long run.

So...cancer sugar! Yay!

*noms teh cancer sugar*
I knew it wasn't very good for you, but chlorine?


Chlorine is substituted of the elements, I think carbon-because it's hard for the body to metabolize.

Contra, do you want some cancer sugar? :D

Thanks for the offer! :D

I'm going to have to say no. -_-


*dumps out tea*

Mind you, I heard this from my science teacher-I've done very little to verify it for myself. So I may be wrong. Then again, he or she is pretty intelligent, and wouldn't lie to us.
He or she?
I'm paranoid. I don't give out any unnecesary information.

*shifty eyes*

Yes, I know that it's pretty stupid, and even psychotic of me to act that way. Even so.

I used to be paranoid, anymore I've gotten lazy, I'm like "Hey, my first name is Megan, and here's my city, school name and email! :D"

See, I'm insane, so most of what I tell people are lies.

For example, I don't have a giant red bird behind me right now.


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