Permalink Reply by Sora on February 23, 2010 at 12:53pm
Congrats to her?
@Nathan: Yeah, that'd go over well. "Hey Mom! Here's this smart chick I met on the Internet! She's awesome and she's going to tell you about nutrition!"
( ;
*Is a severely carnivore person.*
You'd be surprised how quickly your views on killing animals changes when there's no fruits or vegetables consistently available.
Tired. Trying to think of something to post on FB that wont make somebody mad. :/ So far nobody's replied to anything I've posted all day. That's weird...O.o I hate making people mad! DX
XD I don't have that many fandom friends on FB... Only a few of them have read the books. :/ I meant something more about today's events. I wish I could think of something that could just make everyone forgive me for breaking up with someone I didn't like as much as everyone thought I did! Urgh... I guess I'm a better actress than I thought, at least...
Permalink Reply by Sora on February 23, 2010 at 12:33pm
*pats on back* If you don't want to say anything, than don't. The ones who really are your friends will understand and be there for you when you do feel like saying something. It shouldn't be up to them to forgive you-they should be comforting you.