Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have got to read Fate's story...
Being pissed off that my friend is lying to my face...again.
About what?

This time?
This kid she's apparently known for months, but that she recently told me she met on Monday. Oh, and I mean "met" as in "talked to on Myspace/Facebook." It's bullcrap, and I can see right through it.
*shakes head in disgust*

People are just... people.
Care to elaborate?

I mean, I hate if this is rude, but the way I see it, that's her business.

Does it go deeper than that? Or are you just pissed that she's telling you such a meaningly and unecessary lie?
She lies all the time. Whether it's about trivial things or having an adoptive sister, it's always something, and she never admits to it.

She's made up a person online before, though that time me and my other friend were in on the "joke." She seriously pretended to date a fake person.

I'm just mad that she's lying again, and, when I point out the faults in her lie, she lies more to cover it up.

And, I have to go eat. Back soon.

JHC the third.

Even I don't lie that much. And I'm the minor baron of lies.

...Possibly a form of mental disorder, or just a coping method. I'd suggest ignoring it; people suffer from these things all the time.
Her family is practically my family, and she's my best friend, but it gets old.


She'll get over it eventually.

Yay corruption!

Sorry to here that. D:

It sucks. :\
browsing some old LotR fanfics. Some people are quite creative, making a series of fics with Faramir paired off with an Uruk-Hai.


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