Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Words... won't come. Write brain, please! Don't block on me now! D:
*pokes brain with problem stick*. Write!
Just got back from our band concert! It went pretty well-for some reason I actually play better in front of large crowds (not small ones, though)

Working on my Final Action Plan for English class.
Wondering if I should do IB.
Listening to Johnathan Coulton songs.
Mentally slapping self for not working on novel today.
Reading Neil Gaiman's essays...
He has a website, and there are a couple of essays that he wrote posted there.

I liked, "I, C'thulhu."

Which is a story, not an essay...but still awesome.
*goes to read*

I didn't even notice that there were stories. This makes me happy. :D
My friend's a big fan of him. Love his essay on where he gets ideas, and his short stories. His novels aren't really my kind of genre, though.
Being mildly angry.

Three of the main people I roleplay with have been on sparingly for the past few weeks.

They haven't said anything-they've just left.

I guess they might have had their comp priveledges revoked, but still.

I hate it when that happens. On one of my role-plays, a vital person didn't come on for a month and we were stuck with not being able to do anything! Same with another person, too.


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