Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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What do you do in heaven?

You sit in the clouds. You get a harp if you're lucky.

Seems like a damned obvious choice to me.
It is. :D
Sounds spiffy, don't it?

I mean, Satan really has no reason to torture people for eternity. And he has to go through the exact same thing as everyone else.

So why not make it nice? :D
Dante Alighieri's version of hell is cooler. And it's possible to drop out of the bottom and come out back on land.
I like Dante's version of Hell more than the normally accepted Christian version.

I mean, if you're guilty of only original sin, you get to chill out with the other Jews, Pagans, Muslims, and Atheists in a mini-heaven.

How awesome is that? :D

And you get access to the sauna, too.
Is that a "why did you say that", or a "what do you mean" sort of question mark?
Both, really.

I'm wondering why you felt the need to say that.

Did something happen?
Just an argument/debate on TTS.

I'd give you the link, but do you have a lurker account?


*shifty eyes*

Would you like the link, or do you think you can find it all on your lonesome? ^-^
I'll manage...



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