Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XDDD *did not see this*
Stalker! :P

I was talking to you today, but *huuuugs*
Fishy! *just saw this* *is still here*

*hugs back*
Hello everybody!

Our teacher was showing us a "weird foods" website, and I found it hilarious that my region (The South) was on the list for country fried steak, next to the explanation of "This region is (in)famous for frying everything." XD Dude, I've seen worse here. Deep fried Snickers Bars, anyone?

Also, I'm getting new colored pencils in a week! :D
Duuude, we have those at the State Fair. They're disgusting.


You put a paragraph of something else and I squee over new pencils. XD
They're Prismacolors! :D I found a sealed pack of 48 on eBay for twenty bucks! :DD

That's perfectly fine. XD
I LOVE country fried steak. It's the only way my family can get me to eat meat other than poultry and the occasional hamburger.

Well we have this food call beaver tails which is like a piece of bread covered in cinnamon and other unhealthy delights.

Although it can't quite compare can it?

I was going to sign up and there are these guidelines that popped up.

There's a lot.
I just did. But I got nervous and withdrew my request.

Mods I know are there. >.>

Katy. Is Genn there too?!


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