Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Well, I leave it up upstairs. Downstairs, I just have a folder of about 30 bookmarks, and the first 6 include Hotmail, Pandora, and 4 NING networks.

February sucked because of my ban too. But January was awesome. :D

Oh, and my parents routinely make fun of me for being part of the TTS fandom.
I hash my own personal laptop that I only know the password too. :D

Only I have this theory that my parents check it out...

I got made fun of for being on Fanfiction, that went down ugly, and MX and TTS.

Yeah, you guys aren't sad because one of you hangs out on Gaiaonline 24/7 and the other isn't sad because all he does his play his damn Warcraft 3.

And I'M the one who is the object of ridicule? REALLY?

Damn siblings.
I hash my own laptop too. :D

Gotta love personal interwebz.
I want a laptop so damn badly. It would be my freaking life. School, home, everything would be absolutely perfect. O.o

My mom just calls it "vampires" for me. She doesn't know about the other forums. >.>

But she'll be like "Are you doing vampire things again?" And then I'm like, "Psh, no, homework." >.> <.<'

My brother just video chats with his girlfriend for hours, and she doesn't care about that. But when I hold intelligent discussions with people online, OH NOES.
Oh, that sucks. :\

My parents don't monitor my internet activity, they just get mad when they see me not doing homework. They don't actually do anything about it, though.
My parents walk in, see what I'm doing, ask what I'm doing, I tell them, they say "oh" and leave.

Oooh. Which was why they were stalking you on here for a while...

I'm so glad my parents don't even care. So as long as my grades are pretty, I do my chores and wake up in the morning then I get to use it. (Plus I paid for it so...)

They also know that if I don't have this there's no way in hell I'm staying home, I'd rather go to the library. Which means there's no one to babysit the brats.
Oh, I'm choking on something and coughing violently. Let me go shove more chips in my mouth as soon as I have a moment to breathe. >.<' I hate my dad.
Must leave.

Bye bye.

Sarah McLachlan was born in my city... O.o



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