Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh your right. Your subconcious isn't evil at all. :D
I'll help you!
I'll just end up stabbing you in the back. *is plotting James's and Nick's downfalls*
*ninja skillz* *throws knife at your back as you run*
*ninja skillz* *ducks and grabs knife* *throws*
*dives* *catches knife* *throws again*
*catches knife and throws again*

'Cause then you'll go to jail and then I'll be sad because you're in jail.

It IS a good thing she doesn't trust you. :P
It wouldn't be /murder./ Just manslaughter.

Very. Whose homework would I copy without her? XD
Well then no manslaughter. Intentional or not.

The smart kid in your class. The other one. They have all the answers. Whether they're correct or not is a whole different ball park.
Right, right. *will attempt to subdue her subconscious*

I want /correct/ answers. And Nick is the only other smart person, but he only does Chem homework. Nothing else. And I have Jess in almost every class. All but one.
XD Well... your class need some more smart people who are in your class who do their homework.


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