'Tis. But I only have tonight, and the rest of the weekend to basically do an entire project. And I would love it if I got it done early, seeing as this project has plagued me for about a month. v.v
They're not. Nine hours is like the recommended amount of sleep, total. Having a nap that long will completely screw with your sleep patterns. More than they're already screwed.
I didn't count the hours. I estimated. I'm bad with time in general, and maths, and just... anything requiring counting.
No, no. Not till March break I think. Then I either get set forwards, or backwards. I can never remember which.
>.> I need to do it to shower. I have to wake up the earliest. Because then everyone else showers and there is basically no water. It is when you leave at 8:30 for school. For me anyways...