If you aren't required to take, I recommend /not/ taking it. But then again, it just depends on whether or not you're good at science. And have a decent, non-sucky teacher.
Listening to whatever my iTunes decides to play. Right now apparently it's MyChem. :)
Wondering when Mom's going to go through my sister's room like she said she's going to today, since we have to leave in less than two hours. (She's getting rid of anything black or MyChem related 'cause my sister's been failing everything and she got written up last week.)
Oh, switched to Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. :D
Hoping to finish homework tomorrow before school. I've been working on it for... 4 hours now? x.x God I hate Physics. Unfortunately that's what I have a test in tomorrow.
Also dreading leaving for my Dad's house at 4:30 to pick up my brother and sister. It's a three-hour trip that I hate that I have to make every other weekend. XP
Anyway, went to an awesome concert last night, got Prismacolors in the mail yesterday, saw Alice in Wonderland Friday, and pretty much had an awesomely awesome weekend, except for the homework part. *is happy* :D