Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I was never into Pokemon, actually.

The cranium is composed of loads of fiddly little bones ._. Maxilla, mandible, parietal, temporal, sphenoid, occipital... yeah...
Weeeeell. I actually don't know what to say to that. I've never met someone who doesn't like it... in some shape or form.

... Wow. I'm glad my school doesn't even offer an Anatomy class. I'd be lost.
I was about six when it was a giant fad, and at that point in time I barely spoke to my teachers, let alone my classmates.

I've taken to it like a fish to water. It's awesome and I love it.
Ah, that makes sense then.

Well that's good.
Damn, I got work to do. I'll check up when I've finished a bit. :3
All I've done is downloaded the assignment sheet.

Hey. My dad has Taipei installed on here oh FUCK.

As of now, work probably won't be happening. *addicted*
*is sooo tired*

Going to take a shower.

Hoping I don't fail my Physics test tomorrow.

Wish me luck! G'night! *snore*


I gotta get my hugs in while I've got an actual keyboard to use. Still dunno when Ringo'll be better ;_;
He's pretty dear to me, honestly. I can handle typing on a touchscreen for a while, but he's kind of... my boy, I guess. I get like that with electronics.
I chalk it up to sweet-talking them all the time XD And the fact that yeah, my personal electronics last me years and years, so they tend to have a lot of good memories attached to them.


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