Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Back from choir camp! The worst three nights of sleep I have ever had.
Teachers can be somewhat lenient for sick days, so... ask if you can turn it in and have it qualify as extra credit for this trimester, maybe?
Ouch. Erm... do your best anyway?
I'm fairly sure this qualifies as an "evil plot twist", but fuck it, I do what I want, man.

Also I am having trouble persuading myself that when sitting in front of a window, no matter how dark it is, and no matter that I am in the privacy of my own home, shirts are still mandatory. Goddammit.
It's not really so much evil as somewhat logical. Mostly for the angst, admittedly. And certainly not 'cause I realized I had a wildly OOC character and needed to cover my ass somehow.
Nah, probably not. It's shaping up fairly decent. If I can scrape together the time I may be able to get it finished/online in a few days. In the draft of the chapter I've been working on, one character seemed to be acting unusually. Until I figured out a reason that would make sense. Oh, that'll be delicious to write.

:3 I love hugs.
:3 It's very nice to be able to back something in this fic up medically. And I really wasn't in too much of a mood to work with Ari at the moment.

He's a dear, but I just wasn't in the mood, man. He's difficult to work with.

I can't work with them for beans, honestly. Reilly/Mike... pfft, I'd love to write that someday.

Got me.
When I get around to it aka maybe XD

Writing Max is like one long trip for me ._. It's so weird.
>.> For what it's worth, I love all y'all too.

*returns hug*
*hugs Talleh*


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