Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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...Being deaf.

For real this time.

Allergies are a bitch.
*rarely has allergies*

I'm sorry. :\
Still thinking about the video...
Hoping that dinner is done soon.
I'm about to post my new roleplay.


Not only is it incredibly original, it's also horror. Do you have any idea how ****ing hard it is to make a horror roleplay? You can't do it like movies or books-you can't just take an idea from Stephen King. There's a thin line between adventure and horror during roleplay, and I'm one of the lucky few who've crossed it. ^_^

Shall I brag some more?
Ooooh, yes, please!

I want to hear you brag. :D
Happy, are we? ^-^

*has no ****ing idea*

What's the plot?
I'll PM you. *paranoid of the mod lurkers*
M'kay. *understands*
...On second thought, I'm not quite done with it. I'll PM you it in a bit, but for now there are some things I want to change.

'Tis fine whenever. I'm just curious.
Math quiz that I'm nowhere near ready for tomorrow. Gah.
Hm. Today I found out my twin's goal in life is to breed pandas in countries other than China. She'll "grow" them in some kind of tank thing, and then spread them to different countries; her first stop will be Mexico. She will then teach them to sneeze in foreign languages. For example, a French panda may sneeze "Croissant!"

I just...*speechless*.


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