Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mm, soup. Dinner of champions.
I will not read scary story / freaky occurrences threads after it gets dark. It's a bad habit and I need to stop.

Just one more page.
When I ask you to do something, you promise you will, and then, fifteen minutes later, go back on that promise, it's not okay. And it makes me angry.

Voy a comer cena. -_-

Hasta pronto.
Je me sens malade. X_X

Fishy malade?


-Offu soupe-

(Also, did I get the past tense right?)
Oui, un peu. Merci.

(XD I dunno, honestly.)
De rien.

(XD Too bad. We're learning past tense in French class. So far it's pretty easy. I have the grammar rules memorized.)
XD Passé Composé or Imparfait?

I know both, just, that'd be positive PC command form, which is... confusing, and I fail so hard with IR verbs.
Passe Compose.

IR is converted (usually) into just I, with dropping the R. Like obeir, it would become obei. But offre is RE which means it's just becomes a U, like attendre becomes attendu. Or at least so I was informed.

Improper Canadian French tends to be improper.
I have the alt code for every common French accent memorized, it's really pathetic.

Riiight. But... Weren't you trying to say "offers" which means it'd be offrir, which is an IR verb?
Wait. No. Offre works too.... I forget what the difference between the two is, now.
XDD I just think, "Screw it, how many people do I talk to with accents?" I'm too lazy to put them up.

Okay then.
XD I have to use them when I type papers and stuff for class, so it's just force of habit for me.


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