Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Being all ._. *effort* even though I have a legit excuse to go on a music-downloading spree. I'm lazy.
I just got up, man.

Might work on fic later. But right now... music time D:
What did you recommend? I don't think I caught it.
I don't remember talking about music recs at all *fail*
NATHAN! I haven't seen you in forever! *tackles*

I have my own computer nao :3

Also fuckin' A Colorado, is it necessary to snow?
I missed you. And everyone. But I haven't seen you the longest.

Yay! Does this mean you'll be online more? *has actually be getting on more herself*

Pfft. It's like seventy or so degrees outside right now...
Admittedly I've been spending a lot of time offline.

Probably. Especially today, given that I'll be spending this cold fuckoff day trying to recover some of my music library. Woo.
As have I, but I've managed to get my butt on for most of the week.

Whoo! I'll be on for as long as my grandma and sister are at the other house. I'm hoping that will be a while.

So how have you been?
I actually can't remember what the hell I've actually been doing. Maybe that's a bad sign.

I'll probably be here until I pass out on the keyboard. I take music seriously.

Mood-wise, better than I have been in a long time. Fic-wise, I haven't written jack in a while. Well. Other than some random dicking around with Reilly and Kyle, but that doesn't really count. I need to plan my Script Frenzy and finish up my NaNo so I can get a free copy.

I might stay up ridiculously late again. Yay for spring break. I've been up till midnight the last few nights, and I'm hoping to stay up until two am.

Well, that's good. Glad to know you're doing better.

Maybe you'll have some luck with RC soon? Eat sugar. That's how I got my last chapter up. Lots of sugar.

So you haven't finished your NaNo yet? *was still thinking she had to get around to reading the end*
I haven't been up past midnight in months and months.

RC... maybe. I have, like, an ending for a chapter, but it doesn't feel done yet.

Nah >.> I'm hoping I still have the file, too, since I had the beginning of another chapter there. I know where I want to go with it, I just... haven't put in a lot of effort with it.


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