Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Well, sleep is good for you. And me, but... Meh, I sleep during the day.

*nods* Well, I have no life, so I'll wait excitedly for the next chapter.

*hopes with you* That would really suck to lose that.
XD Yeah. I kind of miss staying up late.

I never used to edit, but... I'll do my best to make this chapter kick ass.

Between Google Docs and I have pretty much everything backed up... except those few paragraphs. Not that I can't rewrite them, but yeah, that'd suck.
I missed it too. It's just a pain in the ass when I can't sleep on a school night.

Kick ass chapter would be awesome.

Yeah. I've learned the hard way that you should always back things up.
I'm learning it the hard way with my music library _o_

(Although the Bioshock 2 soundtrack is a wonderful, wonderful thing and I love it.)
Ouch. Yeah, all my music is on my CD's so if my computer crashes they aren't gone, just a bitch to reupload.
I had a few CDs, so I did get some back, but the rest is a matter of detective work with my account and adventures with downloading mp3s from the internet.
My computer gets most of it's viruses from the music not on my CD's, because I'm a cheap whore, who downloads it for free.
That... might be where I got some of my viruses >.>
XD Probably. That's not too out of the question.

I'm going to go take a nap now or something. *tired* I'll try to get back on later. See ya, Nathan. >> *random hug*
G'night :)
Missing being online. D: Failing at trying to focus on Physics homework. Wanting to draw or paint or write or read my two books or seven borrowed manga I haven't read yet... And also needing to clean my room. Grrrrr...
Not gonna lie, I read that as Psychics homework first...


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