No. I was just throwing that out there as kind of a possible answer. Definitely alive and not at all a zombeh. *noms brains*
And seeing as it is now one o'clock in the morning I think that perhaps I should get offline. Dude my sister just randomly started snoring and scared the crap out of me.
Goodnight. Err...evening? Good whatever time it is for you and hopefully I shall talk to you again soon.
Since the old way (walking into the store) is taking too long, I've decided to get FANG the new way (electronically). I think I may have saved about 4 bucks in the process (not to mention several additional dollars travel fare). between all the site member deals and coupons that I threw at the thing.
Well, really.
Online the thing was already marked down 30%, then I threw at them a coupon that marked this down another 10%, and the end bill came out to less than $15. For a mass-market hardcover 24 hours after release, I'd say that's a fair deal.
I just read the fine print. It turns out that they give the money to your parents in the form of a check with an expectation that it will go to your higher education.