Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yes... They are sweet. *has a Kindle* I've yet to hear of a book (fiction, of course, who am I, EndOf?) that they don't carry. But... Nowadays, I use the Kindle app on my iPhone. It rocks.

Well done.

>.> I hate all the E. Coast schools offer so many better and more advanced classes. You make life harder for those who go to simpler, schools.
Do we, really?
Mostly, yes.
Wow. Nice. That's pretty amazing. And you have way more class options than we do, dammit. >.>
If we're talking schedules, I don't know mine yet, because I haven't picked it.

It might wind up very, very light to the point of near non-existence.

Aww yeah.
I signed up for a Music Theory class! Then learned I was taking Latin... xD

My shhchedule:

Honors Bio
Honors American Government (might be an "Honors-option" class, which sucks)
Honors English 10
Honors Pre-Calc
Concert Band/Marching Band/"Chamber Music"
Latin I
Latin II

I didn't find out what I got on any of my finals Semester2, which ticks me off... So I hope all my exam grades get printed on my next report card LIKE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO.

*eyebrow* You say you have low grades? And you're getting into those classes. You're underestimating yourself.
Remembering our old laser tag kit.

So fun... Twas amazing.

Hours on end mindlessly running around waving around guns and shooting each other. Those were fabulous.
One more day of freedom, and then it's back to classes. :(

Same v.v

Although, classes might possibly start back on Tuesday this term...
Just today and tomorrow, and bye bye Spring Break. :( Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Still procrastinating on however-many-pages of APHG homework that's due Monday.

Finished volume 9 of Angel Sanctuary last night. That is seriously the weirdest thing I have ever read...

Later going shopping for little expensive Bakugan toys since my brother's birthday is tomorrow. Good thing I'm not paying. >.>

Eating strawberry cheesecake.


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