Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hey guys! Haven't been on in a while do to ScriptFrenzy (which I'm still REALLY behind in, GAH), English portfolio projects, track starting up...but anyway, hi!
You're doing Script Frenzy?'s okay, I'm behind too ._.
Yeah...I'm on page 34 at the moment...
I have like fifty pages, but I got distracted by fanart :\

What's yours about?
Remember the one MR fanfic I attempted with the robot girl? Well, I gave up on that because it was really just practice for developing her character and some logical now I'm writing a kind of sci-fi movie where she is basically sent to live with her old friends to see if she'll be able to overcome their control over her if she's with people she really used to love...the scientists aren't really evil; they've just got their own ideas about the best way to live that most of the world besides her group of friends really agrees with, due to these neurochips that make everyone basically obedient and agreeable and automatically happy...if that makes any sense at all.

It's going pretty well-I'm pretty bad at being subtle with dialogue, but I have all these ideas that will come from one line, which I can never do with novels so it's interesting. I just haven't had as much time to work on it...
Huh, nice.

Mine's a pretty typical romantic-comedy setup. Geeky, shy mad scientist (who happens to be working on some very controversial projects) meets a nice girl who sees him as a man, not a Frankensteinian monster-maker. Simultaneously he's struggling with a new project at work, even though he wants to give more time to his new social life, and thence comes the conflict.

His name is Aaron Stein, and he is adorable.
Sounds like the kind of guy I'd like to meet, and that's always good for any sort of romantic story...I'd love to read it sometime.
I'll be glad to send it your way once I'm done with it :) Have I already got your email address?
Probably not.
Rock on.
Thanks, you too! I'm going to try to get a couple more pages done before bed (GAH TRACK...I hate having to go to bed on time in order to be able to survive practice tomorrow...I guess that's the point about exercise making you healthier, but...)
*is tackled*



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