Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Well, honestly, they kinda had that thread, anyways. It's been fail chat for ages.

@EndOf, 'Tis a lovely offer. Much appreciated.
No, it'd be un-needed if they all just went to the chat, where we usually send members like that anyways.
If you need help with it or anything, PM me. exactly will they take it?

You underestimate the value of an active thread. Besides, maybe they'll also use it to grow out of their current habits. According to Silver, it's where it happened for her.
Fuck my dad. He is such an asshole. *fumes*

Listening to music.
Having fun on a site I signed up for two years ago. ^-^
Good night.

I haven't talked to you for two full days. O.O
Going all air-guitar to Megaherz. Aww yeah.

Also, I drew a dude wearing a jacket.
*tacklehug* Hiya!
I love you too and I missed you. Two freaking days, and I missed you. We must be friends.

I was shy. XP Like, with RL friends I smile by way of greeting.

EDIT: I have to go now. v.v Good night.

Oh my god, I'm such a dork. Remember when I first came here I asked Nathan what the ' v' were? *shame* I called them the "little down-arrows" or something. I was comparing them to ' ^ '. *shaking head* *idiot* Devil's right. I'm a "n0000000000b".
I have a feeling that I'm going to regret not thinking about homework. I don't think I have any, but I'm not sure, and I don't want to check. ._.

Check Contra!


God whenever I do this I feel old...


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