Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Haha...I just got one YESTERDAY..!

My mom really hates anything that involves me talking to people she doesn't know...!
The only reason I have a FB is because my dad felt bad that I was getting major surgery.
Long story...I'm fine though..xD
Is it a rule parents have to be so strict..?! o.0
Parents are just kind of strange.

Plus...she ask for EVERY website I go on and all my passwords...
"The Dman"? I think I'm going to kill something.
Unless D stands for "douche"...
I'm in "last month of school" panic mode. My brain is set to "throw words together in logical order". I don't have a kindness setting at the moment (unless I slam on the emergency brakes...)
Maybe it's a premonition and it stands for Dead-man? XD
Discussing evolution in a forum where two of the participants are Christian... doesn't end well.
I started tripping in scientist!mode and... yeah.
^-^ 2 steps forward.
The way I handle this is metaphorism, show them that the textbooks and bible are saying the same thing (it's a stretch...but hey, it sells.)
I'm fairly close friends with everyone who was involved, so I just apologized and got the hell out.


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