Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Alright, let's post our RL bios here :) . Just put whatever you feel comfortable with, even if it's only your first name or something you like to do for fun. Please, not too much info because there ARE creepers around here >.>

Many of you are my friends on facebook, so you know my full name anyways, but I'll be omitting my last for obvious reasons.


First Name: Alana
Age: 16
Lives: USA.
Loves: This site, reading (<3) dance (my skills are crap, but who cares?) and music. Chocolate. Ok, just... food in general >.> . Clothes/shopping. Shoes. Oh, and trashy TV.
Dislikes: Blink 812.
Hobbies: Speech and Debate and beading. Yes, like the jewelry type. I'll post a bunch of pics of the bracelets I've made someday :)

[Add pic here]

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Doomy, you are a genius! This thread was so informative...*cough*

Name: Alexandria
Age: 18
Lives: In Washington State
Loves: Dark chocolate.
Dislikes: Getting up early.
Hobbies: Is the Internet a hobby...

Pic: Sorry, not today, folks. Hey, with some skills you can find me on FB, if you haven't already.

Western Washington, or Eastern?
Western. Same with you, no? >.>
Yep. :D
Who calls East Washington, Washington? I thought it was just "DC"...

No, Western Washington (State), and Eastern Washington (State)

E. WA's like a desert. *nods*

You're such a E. Coaster. XDDDD

I fail.

Hey, hey. Wait till you get to NE. All the states have the same list of town names. THAT'S a fun time...
XDDD Nice.
That's how the folks up in PA say it. Washington State and Washington DC.
>.> I know. Nearly all of the world, with the exception of those over on the West Coast just say 'Washington State', and DC is either just Washington or Washington DC. >.<"

Makes for interesting conversations when traveling/talking to people from. . . . not around here.
I say just "Washington!" XD DC is just... DC. There is no Washington on it...

Oh. That's where the "with the exception of those over on the West Coast" came in, huh.
I was going to say "Me too!" but then I realized that you're Californian as well XD.


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