I went to the mall today and by the mall is Wal-Mart. My friend needing cheap shoes went to get some and then we left to walk to the mall five minutes away. We managed to find a boxer terrier. As a result my two friends and I waited for the SPCA for an hour and a half just to rescue a dog who we still haven't found the owners for.
Meh friend asked me to link people to this, so that's what I'm doing. She needs 1000 views by the end of the school year for extra credit. Wanna click this link for me? :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FJ6JvgKKGU
I'm trying my mom's that look high enough to kill someone with and oh my god, it's wonderful. I'm like 5'7 now. Granted my feet are going through hell...