Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I get it now!
I just took a picture of my really flat feet.

And they look surprisingly weird. >.> xD
Downloading Puzzle Pirates. :D
I used to play that.

All. The. Time.

I'm Thunderlass, BTW. >.>

I never knew anyone who played that but the friends I made there.

I loved it so much... until my main pirate was deleted along with all of my friends, stats, pets, etc... x.x

So I'm kind of attempting to restart.
Yeah. :D

I think I'll just make another pirate. I don't like Thunderlass anymore. And I was on it whenever I could be. Then... I was kicked out of my very awesome crew. Then rejoined. Then I made another pirate, and somehow the captain KNEW that was still me. O.O

Hmm... I'll post my name when I make her.

EDIT: Snowlass. Cuz she has whitish hair. :D
Wait, are you on there? Like, right now?

What ocean?
I have no idea. O.O

Lemme check. I made a whole new account, so... give me a minute.

EDIT: Midnight Ocean. I'll get an Island in a second.

EDIT2: What Island are you on?
I'm on Viridian...

And I've got to go take a shower. Be back soon.
Eh. I gotta go anyways.

What's your pirate's name?
Goodnight Tally!
Bitch. I wanna go to bed early... D:

*hates high school*


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