>.> I hate you. But we do get a lot of PD days and stuff...
-Shrugs- -Has always had it like that- But I guess I curriculum is less rushed... June is a god forsaken month that's warm as hell.
I'm usually really good at tests but Junior High sucks and even if we finished the exam early (which I never do because if it's not hard as hell I'm doing something wrong plus I check it over a billion times) we still have to sit there. Next year will hopefully be better.
Ha, my "exam week" consists of a Spanish final exam and a Geometry SOL (if we score well on the SOL, which is the state test, we don't have to take the Final). Then again, I'm in 8th grade...
You're in eighth grade and you're doing geometry? The class I'm in is taken by a lot of sophomores. *ish a lowly freshman for two more weeks* O.o
Then again, you probably have a different order for math. Unless you're just super skilled. >.>
-Ninth grader- -Finally gets to leave bloody Junior High-
I go to a shitty White Ghetto school so our education is pretty crappy. Plus it's Nova Scotia. My exam week is once a year with the four core subjects. Or at least it was since this year we don't get it. Next year though I have no clue.
Excited/horrified: chances are pretty solid I get to dissect a cat all by my lonesome tomorrow. With an audience of way too many people (all right, about seven).
Apparently, the humane society after they have to be euthanized. Ours is pretty fresh, but one group in my class got one that was old and rotting -- it stank of death, worse than the others that just smell of preservative -- so they trashed theirs and joined up with us.