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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My parents won't let me be a vegetarian. Something about how I'm too picky about my foods already and what not.

In my family there isn't such a thing as too skinny. Over weight? Yes, yes there is. Being average weight is unacceptable. Being under weight is alright though.

Yes, I do think of my parents as morons.
You're getting your protein from somewhere I hope?

Also, how many full meals a day do you eat?
And how much physical activity do you do each day? Are you a big sports person?
Protein helps stomachaches?
No, protein is a necessary part of the human diet >.>
Very, very late, but...

*Facepalm* I realized this about half an hour after I posted it.
Yeah - I still eat/drink milk, cheese, yogurt, etc...

Full meals? Probably two. It varies. *shrugs*
And I'm not a very active person. I like going to the park with my friends, but I haven't played an organized sport for about a year.
There's your problem. Three full meals. Every day.
Late, but yes :D
I read that when I was younger :3 Good memories...

If you're reading that, uh... try and find The Girl Who Owned A City. It's around the same length, and the writing's a little goofy, but I did like it when I was younger.
*loves that book*
*luffled that book*

Spoiler alert, the geezer gets a movie deal for his book and becomes a hit writer.
Mmyes, but have you read the sequel?


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