Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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AP Human Geography exam Friday. *scared* D:

Now I need to go shower and sleep.
*bro fist* AP Spanish Lit, woo.
Haha, good luck. *fist bump*

I'm happy... in a really weird way.

There's nothing to be happy about, either.

It's sort of... anticipatory, I guess, but...

I don't know. >.<'
How can you be anticipatory about nothing?

That's just what it feels like.
Just being tense and anxious in general.

For me, anyway.
I'm going to apologize in advance: I'm sorry. I'm a little behind the times, and this is probably terribly off-topic, but was anyone else physically incapable of reading the newest MR book?

I got to page 13, and couldn't take it anymore. Thank god I didn't buy it, and was just borrowing my brother's copy.

I'm currently sitting in bed, shocked that this thing was published. Just... why.

I have notoriously low, low standards. It kept me occupied on a seven-hour plane flight, and I had about ten seconds' amusement figuring out that, hey, the flock went to Denver, but... strangely, I haven't touched it since we got home.

I am rather ashamed it was published :| Frankly, I think I've written fanfic more deserving of a nice bound edition.
Precisely. I mean, I understand it is targeted at a younger audience, but frankly, it's a bit insulting to think that this is making tons of money...

I don't want to start a rant of the heydays of MR, but come on. It's like beating yourself over the head with a brick.
Yeah. There was one very short sequence involving lots of technobabble that made me smile, but the rest was pretty dull. The most fun I'll have with it will be replotting and rewriting it for my own ends.

It's rather like Twilight -- so terrible it's inspiring. This can make money? Well, it looks like I've got a career.
My current inspiration is actually a book that's even worse than twilight, if you can imagine such a thing.


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