Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Maybe they figure that Hitchhiker's is too epic to Sparknote, and that you should actually be reading it.

They didn't have a Jodi Picoult book I was looking for, either.
XDD No I needed to find one aspect of it, the year it supposed to be or something and Wiki isn't helping so.... Besides, what teacher assigns you to read Hitchhiker's?

>.> They only have some classics.
Have you found it? I have a copy somewhere around here...

An awesome one. >.> Not that it's ever been assigned for me. XD

It's annoying... but Dan's there, so all is forgiven.
Well no. -Is going to assume late 70's- I have a PDF version.

XD My sister's Science teacher was obsessed. She made them watch the movie.

I have the script for the movie on my computer. . .

A freaking amazing teacher.
What the.
You're here. But you're not on FB, AIM, or Meebo....
I'm on FB... (Meebo's been acting up.)
It says you're not on FB....
Fuck yes. Finally finished the first half of my English project. \o/

I am so done with school. So very, very done.

Now all I have to do is adapt it into a presentation, which I'm going to make my friend partner do. Otherwise, she's going to have contributed absolutely zero to this project, and I'm going to be pissed. :D Not to mention the reaction of my teacher who is epic, awesome, and dislikes my partner. :D
Just "finished" MySims Kingdom so now I can do whatever I want on it. :DDD

I know it's a stupid little kids game, but it's really fun. XD

I... didn't even know you, hon, but... good luck. You'll be missed. If, one day, you find you can balance your RL with your online life, know that you'll always be welcomed back here. It's never too late to decide to come back. But if that's not the case, I hope you have a wonderful life. I know you will. Thanks for hanging out with us for awhile.


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