Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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1) Thanks.
2) Best of luck in RL.
3) Don't delete anything.
I'm sorry for not being online during this.

Just know, we love you. It's beyond lovely that you're going to fix things with RL, and I hope one day when everything's sorted out you'll be able to return to us, let us know you're alive and how you're doing every now and then. You'll be greatly missed, love.
Guten tag!

I'll be on and off this week.
No, I'm not going to go to a concert when my head is imploding in pain. >.<'
I feel awesome =D.

I won the consolation bracket in my league's Tennis Conferences.
That sounds impressive. Elaborate?

Every team in the district brought their top 5 doubles teams (no singles in Middle School) to one of the school's courts. The top 3 (I'm 2nd doubles) stayed, the 4 and 5 teams went to different courts. The 4 and 5 teams mingled, but for the top 3, you could only play your seed.

I lost my first match 6-8, so I entered the consolation bracket (it was 2-loss elimination). We (my partner and I) won 8-2 (cakewalk). Then I won 8-6. That one almost got away. I hit a winning volley that made one of the other guys fall to the ground =D. Then, for our fourth match in a row, without more than a 10 minute break, we got into the finals. We we came back from 1-4 to win 8-6. My partner was on fi-ya!

Overall, my team sucked, but I got 3rd in my bracket overall. Which is cool, because last year I got 2nd in the 4 and 5 teams. I love tournaments.
Normal girls my age take large amounts of pictures of themselves with cameras in the mirror or on a webcam.

My sister makes me take pictures of her in a swarm of Pikachus. >.>
...I just tried to "like" this.

I'm going to go summon Bloody Mary and Beetlejuice.

Just because I can.

The way I see it, they'll either have an epic fight or hook up.

...Maybe I should also get Sadoko/Samara from the Ring movies.


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