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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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And, at my school...

Free pot!


A few years back they did one where everything was backwards...literally.

Right to left, backwards needed a friggin mirror.

Christ's lice, my school rocks...

On another note, I am dead sexy with long hair. I need to stop cutting it. My year book picture has me with shoulder length hair, and I look like a totally different person. XD
'Course. XDD

Yeah, my school is nothing like that. I wish, though... o.O

Sexier, is what you're saying?
I always have godawful yearbook pictures. Always. x.x

And I've always pictured you with long hair, BTW.
>:D Did I mention that I enjoy bragging?

Of course, what did you think I meant? XD

I look faily average with short hair. Indistinguishable.

Same here, more or less. :|

And, given the choice, I'd always have my hair past my shoulder. The issue is primarily that the rents have a tendency to drop me off at the haircut place when they want me to get it cut, and not pick me up until I could apply for the army.

And I wish I could say that I'm exaggerating or joking.'s starting to grow out, but it's thick and dark as hell, meaning that the summer is going to be annoying, to say the least.
My brother just got his hair cut short after years of having it long. It's weird.

Hey, same. I don't do well with short hair. But... I am a girl, so it's not all that nonconformist. XD
Any particular reason? Style, or to be different, or...?
You... in the army. *can't see that*

You could get it dyed. XDD
Isn't it? It's like suddenly getting a new nose. Analogy fail, but you get the picture...

I prefer it long mostly because...well, I guess it's because of style. As I said, it's thick and just goes well long. I'm not really anti-conformist, I just act however the hell I feel like acting.

Mind you, at this point you should have an idea of how different that is from most people...but I don't intentionally rebel against the status quo. I don't really care about it.

...I've always thought I'd kinda make a good Nazi. Only three problems-one, I bear no real resentment to the Jews in particular. I mean, sure, I want to kill them, but not because they're Jewish. I feel that way about everybody, regardless of race, religion, or gender. Two, their uniforms suck. Just look at those things. Seriously. And, last but not least, three: They're all dead. Dead. That should be an indicator that they kinda sucked at the whole killing people thing.

Which would make it hotter...

Not that I could get any hotter. *smooths hair back* Llllllllllllllladies.
I think that a new nose would be slightly less noticeable for most people, but yes.

*nods* Oh yeah, I know what you mean.

But why conform to the army when you can just do your own mass-murdering, etc. scheme? You don't have to take orders from anyone, and you can be cruel on your own schedule...

The embodiment of all things sexy, aren't you? XDDD
For laughs, mostly. I mean, when I do it, it's fun and all, but nobody suffers that much from it. I mean, sure, people are tortured and killed and all, but nobody important suffers. It's incredibly fun to take an innocent rebellion-for the sake of the people-and then commit war crimes in the name of mein fuhrer, eventually turning him into a despised, evil dictator-when he never did anything wrong. To take a rebellion and blow it out of scale, commiting infanticide and massacre and other fun's hilarious, because the whole world turns against you. Most modern day massacres and war crimes are the direct result of my extended family screwing with things...and NEVER give one of us the job of commander. "Hey, I was just following orders from the fuhrer!" can excuse us from ordering the massacre of literally millions.

It's a hobby, you know?


Again, I pray never to meet your family. >.>

Just checking.
I go to nerd school. Needless to say, everything we do is epic.

Like diversity day...which I think I posted about, but I'm not entirely sure.
Woo! I got two art pieces into our little magazine thingy at the end of the year!

The Quill and Scroll. Nobody even knows it exists and it costs two dollars an issue, but I have art in it, so I get to go to a party Thursday! :D

So, in the magazine, I have My Gerard Way drawing, and... dun dun duun... my original Nighthawk drawing. *headdesk*

EDIT- I have to go. >.<' G'night.
Hey guys - haven't been on in a while because of the English project...which I turned in Monday. Just to give you an idea, here's what I had to do with it (you guys have probably had worse...but I'm in 8th grade...this is the biggest thing we've ever had to do):

-11 page research paper on scientific methods of mind control
-100-page movie script about a girl who is under mind control (wrote for script frenzy but it counts for the project). We also shot most of the scenes from it, but I'm only going to be able to present the first few in class.
-dictionary of futuristic slang words found in A Clockwork Orange
-review of The Host by Stephenie Meyer - needless to say it was extremely insulting
-comparison of events in the novel 1984 and what actually happened that year
-had all my friends talk to robots/other people and determine who was human and who was robotic (thanks to everyone who helped with that!)
-pamphlet on zombie survival techniques (did this at 2 am the night before the project was due...)
-brief paper on types of parasites that control your mind (fell asleep before I could do this, woke up panicking the morning the project was due, did it in a teacher's room during the daily news program they force us to watch each 15 minutes)

And the fact that my novel needs to be edited by June isn't helping matters.


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