Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was banned! I found out I was banned from the Banhammer thread! I'm checking my emails and I have two called 'Sexually Explicit'.

1. Dear Happi Zebra,

Thank you for participating in our community! However, your POST in look-its-nathan on April 15, 2009 was found to be in violation of Max-Dan-Wiz’s terms of service. Please review the posting guidelines here:

Additional violations could result in a ban from the site.

Below is a copy of your violation:

Okay, be honest, who would tap that? I would. In an instant, man. >.> Plz no one squeal on me.

Thank you,


2. Dear Happi Zebra

Thank you for participating in our community! However, your POST in look - its nathan was found to be in violation of Max-Dan-Wiz’s terms of service. Please review the posting guidelines here:

Additional violations could result in a ban from the site.

Below is a copy of your violation:
i'd tap that

Thank you,


The second was from 'Katy W' and a different email. There's 6 new replies for the 'Look! It's Nathan!' thread which must have brought it to the whore's attention. *mourns account*

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Py promised she'd tell me.
But I've gotta wait until she feels comfortable...
But I haff been promised so I am happy. *nodnods*
*has been promised too*
She was this close to telling me...but then she decided she didn't want to...I still call being the first to know when she tells...
I'm not rushing you.
To be honest I don't particularly care, finding out your age isn't that important to me in the greater scheme of things.
I wasn't pushing...
Like I said, I wont push, even though I want to know, It's important that you're ready to tell.

Still wanted to be first though...*pouts*...I like being first...
*conclusion* Pyro is older than me ._.
Dont worry.My lips are sealed.(PM)
She's born in November (I think) and I'm a January girl <3.
She's older >.>

I am thirteen...
I've said that so many times now...
Mid-August, 1994.

25th November 19 ninety fave <--Yes that is spelt bad, tis meant to be like that
No...Tash is younger than me...

Hey what the hell: FUCK!

*got to this thread rather late*


I'll be 16 on August 29.


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