Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Last night passed out a 1 AM

What the hell is happening to us?
The same thing has happened to me :\

...I figure it's the meds _o_ I remember to sleep and eat, wtf.
It's because we all live in that happy hemisphere that's currently experiencing summer daylight. As a result, your circadian rhythm has decided that it is time to compensate.
Joining an epic RP. One of the admins loves Good Omens.

An epic RP? Where?

*Searches for rp*

I love Roleplaying, but none of the ones I've ever joined have lasted very long. :\
Wondering why no one's posted anything on this thread for two hours.
Because no one's doing anything?

EDIT- Actually, because everyone's doing something. If they weren't, they'd be posting in this thread. xD

*eating icecream*
@EDIT: What a strange little conundrum we have here.... O.o
Playing Lego Batman on the Wii. :D

EDIT- Nevermind, I guess my brother and sister are playing now. Guess I'll just stay online then...
Wanting headphones so I can watch Death Note...
Had to help wash the dog.

I don't like dogs very much now...

Went to the field to entertain children and got a dolphin towel for Tuesday. :D
Decided to play Pirates of the Caribbean Online, because I haven't in forever :D


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