Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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How long ago did you take it? You might just have to wait for it to take effect.

*does not get awful cramps* *is uber grateful*

I don't remember....

Yes. Be greatful. *blames lousy genetics*
Heating pad and lie down is all I can think to suggest. :C
Motrin, heating pad, and sitting with your legs drawn up, not stretched out, is what I do. I have HORRID cramps.
Fuck, I love the Vitamin String Quartet.
*searches on YouTube*
Things I've learned from Yahoo Answers tonight:

1) Humans as a whole are really, really fucking stupid.

2) I am not the only person who has, at some point, wondered how birds have sex. In fact, there are hundreds of other people who have wondered this as well. And now I know the answer. Huh.

3) Birds having sex is apparently related to film developing. Somehow. It was in "related questions."

4) Nobody can agree on anything. EVER.
*looks up how birds have sex*

Attempting to (re-)teach myself calculus, and realising how amazingly little I managed to learn up to this point...

I am so fucked for Friday...
-Offers tea-

-Is glad she is not required to learn until grade. 12 or Uni-

-Offers cookies-
*takes* *thanks*

Unfortunately putting it off till Yr 12 wouldn't be all that useful for me...

We did do actually do a bit last year, though, just... much more basic stuff.
Why is my family so weird?!

Usually this is okay, but not when it comes to him.

Yeah, Mom invited my ex over to fix her computer, and he ended up playing video games with my brother and sister while I was in the kitchen making sushi. WTF? >.<'

EDIT- MDW... It's... it's... ALIVE?!? o.o


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