Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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._. Feeling odd.
*just cuz*
My iPhone allows me to type bullet points. XD Bullet points are awesome because;
• They allow you to type lists without numbering things.
• They just are, dammit.
• Three in a row look especially cool.
• Nearly anything can.
• Yes.
• Unless you don't think so, do you want another lesson on computers from the world's grumpiest 3-years-older-than-you teacher?


My computer can't. Hence the lack of bullet points here.


Mine can't. >.>

*wishes for DA emoticons*
You have a Mac. He is quite obviously superior to me/us.

Watch, in three seconds, Partrk is going to come defend PCs to the death. And it will be epic.

3...... 2..... 1.....
Individual experience is always different, and PC vs. Mac arguments are a great way to stir up trouble.

Me, I've tried Macs and I've tried PCs, and I'm a PC to the core :3
My father:

"PCs have better hardware, so if someone knows how too work a computer and wants to get the most out of it, they would want a PC. But Macs have the 'cool factor' and they are more user-friendly. They market to the young and computer-inept crowd.
And also -- Macs are very, very expensive.
Restarting the old School of Thought series after being inspired last weekend, though this time on a proper site.
The half of the Physics exam we took today went kaplooey. >.<' Now I need to work on studying for the second half of that, plus Pre-calc, and the Drawing and Painting exam I'm supposed to have finished by now. Why must paint be so annoying but awesome? >.<'

And now we have to go to my Grandma's for dinner. Gah.


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