I really should be asleep right now. I realize it's only 8:30PM (at least where I live), but the average amount of sleep I've been getting for the past week is less than four hours. And my brain is NOT happy with me. It's making me really confused, and one time today I could've sworn one of my best friends was someone complealy different for a second. I feel kind of awful.
I've tried that. Last night I got woken up from a killer nightmare. The night before that I couldn't fall asleep because of a bad stomach ache. The night before them my entire leg kept falling asleep and I woke up a few times and it took me a while to fall asleep. It seems whatever I do I can't get enough sleep! And to make it worse, I have a big trip coming up on Saturday, and I have to wake up at 5 in the morning just to get to the train. I'll try to skip school tomorow and take a nice long nap.