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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I fail at diving. And we have a meet tomorrow.

Just saw Splice.

Well worth my ten bucks. Your mileage may vary, but for me it was 104 straight minutes of nerdgasm. Yes. Including the opening and closing credits. Go see this movie.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL... I actually thought about seeing it for about 3.5 seconds. XD

Then I remembered that after the season finale of The Mentalist, I couldn't sleep for three days. Come on, it was high on the creepy scale. Not to mention that I still jump when they fall in the cave during National Treasure 2. >.>

So, I shall not. But it looked.... Cool?
I'm just a straight-up nerd :B Things that would terrify me slid right past into either "oh no, Dren" or "aww she's so cute".
Lucky. *jealous* I fail at being a nerd. Even though that's what everyone calls me. v.v

I fail at computers.
I fail at horror flicks.
I fail at knowing lots of stuff.
Something happened to Dren in the movie and I squeed because I'm pretty sure it was a shoutout to Jurassic Park. Yes. That nerdy.

Splice wasn't horror so much as porn for the biotech-nerd set. Hoo boy.

I'm not terribly great with computer either >.> Don't tell anyone.

As to knowledge... guilty as charged.
HOLY SHIT *just watched Splice trailer* THAT'S DISTURBING. >.> I knew I shouldn't have looked it up...

>.> Just ask Partrk about how he helped me download Cave Story. Or not... I wasn't aware that you could access Drive C:/.

I know about music and math. Other than that... lol wut?
XD Sounds like fun. I'll watch it once it's available online, then post a better reply.

I could not sit through that. It's one thing to read about disturbing things, but quite another to watch them play out in front of me.

*horrible with things like that* *wimp*
Yes... When you read, you can read through certain parts especially slowly. And you never get freaked out because there's no scary music and pop out evil guys. *nod*
The last half-hour was the only really scary part, but there's only one true jump-scare in the whole film, and it comes early on >.>

Dren is rather cute, too.
Practicing Hey There Delilah. This is the only version with a key completely in my range, but the damn chords are too hard. v.v

AKA: I have small hands.


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